Folks, here it is:
My first official public post-pub date POST-APOCALYPTIC VALENTINE reading, and I hope you will come.
It’s happening at Book Passage Bookstore in Corte Madera,
of course!
That bookstore has been my creative and book community center and home since I was in grad school … actually, even BEFORE that!
So now, 17 books later, I’m thrilled and grateful to be debuting another title—this time from 7.13 Books—there.
PLEASE JOIN ME, IF YOU CAN on Saturday, September 14th at 1pm.
Info here: https://www.bookpassage.com/…/linda-watanabe-mcferrin…
Hoping to see you there!
And special thanks to Lowry McFerrin, Richard Peabody, Grace Cavalieri, Leland Cheuk, Jim Cihlar, Cole Swensen, Gigi Little, Elaine Petrocelli, Bill Petrocelli, Andy Ross, and so many other amazing and creative muses and mentors for helping this come about!