Linda Watanabe McFerrin
Writers Retreat in Hawaii
May 7-12, 2017
Camp Mokule’ia, Oahu, HI
This week and next you’ll find me at the Hawaii Book & Music Festival and the Mokulē‘ia Writers Retreat in Hawaii.
The Hawaii Book & Music Festival is a fantastic two-day fest featuring writers and performers from all over the world. I’ll be reading and talking about short stories with Jessica Lee Richardson on Sunday, May 7th at noon.
The Mokulē‘ia Writers Retreat in Hawaii is an annual gathering that brings three dozen writers of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, essays, and memoir to the North Shore of O‘ahu for a week of intimate workshops and coaching. The retreat is high-level and professional — but also low-key and tuned in to the beauty of the surroundings. It fosters an exchange in two directions — between islanders and mainlanders, published writers and budding writers, Native Hawaiian artistry and mainland publishing.
With the Waianae Mountains as the backdrop and the open ocean in front, participants break bread with colleagues, gather in daily workshops, salute the morning sun in yoga, write privately in the shade of ironwood trees, and wander along the beach. They even dance some hula. The theme, nā wahi ho‘oulu, acknowledges that a sacred spot like this will inspire the assembled to explore other places — whether in the heart, in memory, or in the moment.
The retreat is led by North Shore native Constance Hale, the author of five books, including Sin and Syntax and workshop leaders include LCW Founder, Linda Watanabe McFerrin. The daily workshops will be taught by writers and editors who bring deep experience in many genres. For those wanting to dip a toe in rather than taking a deep dive, it’s possible to join in for the afternoon workshops only. For more information about all of the individual workshops available and the camp itself go to the Camp Mokule’ia website here: https://campmokuleia.com/retreats/writers/2017-program/